pannelli fotovoltaici di grandi dimensioni

HSEQ, Security
& Compliance



HSEQ, Security
& Compliance

Our management, collaborators and employees work every day to pursue excellence. The relationships with each of our external stakeholders is based on integrity.

Every member of our team is responsible for the development of the company and customer satisfaction, with loyalty and integrity.

PEOPLE | we pursue social equity and respect human rights while protecting the well-being and development of our workers, their health and happiness at work

PLANET | we respect the environment and current legislation

PROFIT | we seek economic prosperity, efficiency, technological innovation and quality services 

In compliance with these values, we have developed a management model, constant monitoring and innovative services based on:

Data and Image Analysis

Our IoT platform – Renforce  is able to properly collect, process and store the huge amount of data that come from field sensors and images (thermal and daylight) detected by RPA (remotely piloted aircraft or drones). This enables us to effectively monitor the power plants, even in aggregate form and with a portfolio logic. Furthermore, through the continuous calculation of main performance indicators we are able to detect any malfunctions in a timely manner and to act promptly to avoid interruptions in energy production and subsequent losses for our customers.

ISO Certifications and Model 231

The achievement of ISO certifications, the adoption and implementation of related processes in the fields of quality, safety and the environment require both commitment and effort. However, these certifications and processes are essential guarantees of the quality of services offered to our Clients. 

In November 2018, the ESAPRO Board of Directors approved the implementation of Organization and Management Model 231 in order to further protect the assets and the image of the company and of its customers.

Relation with External Stakeholders

Our ability to dialogue with ARERA, GSE and Terna, as well as local governments and security forces, is essential to our success, as is our participation in national and international associations linked to renewable and future energy sources.

Specialist Services and Added Value

Infrared images are undoubtedly effective for discovering a wide range of defects and damages of photovoltaic power plants, such as:

  • Hot spots 
  • PID (potential induced degradation) of the cells
  • Short circuited bypass diodes 
  • Open strings

Nevertheless, manual detection in MW size or multi-MW plants is particularly costly in terms of time and money, which is why ESAPRO is also specialised in the use of remotely piloted aircraft (drones). Through the use of high-resolution radiometric sensors we are able to quickly identify anomalies and defects. The images are then georeferenced to automatically pinpoint all those modules in need for service.

Company Organization and Branches Throughout Italy

Guaranteeing timely servicing that meets our clients’ expectations requires a clear and balanced company organization, but above all, physical locations across the country powered by our own specialised technicians and qualified sub-suppliers. ESAPRO is based in Milan and San Pietro in Gu (PD), with additional service centres and warehouses located in Rome, Molfetta (BA), Mesagne (BR) and Canicattì (AG), with more than 60 employees in Italy.


Quality Management System – ESAPRO

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Environmental Management System – ESAPRO

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

HSEQ, Security & Compliance

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – ESAPRO

UNI ISO 45001:2018

Quality Management System – ESAPRO CONTROL

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

HSEQ, Security & Compliance

Certification of Private Security Service – ESAPRO CONTROL

UNI 10891:2000

HSEQ, Security & Compliance


Company policy


Quality Management System – ESAPRO

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Environmental Management System – ESAPRO

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

HSEQ, Security & Compliance

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – ESAPRO

UNI ISO 45001:2018

Quality Management System – ESAPRO CONTROL

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

HSEQ, Security & Compliance

Certification of Private Security Service – ESAPRO CONTROL

UNI 10891:2000

HSEQ, Security & Compliance


Company policy

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