
Manutenzione impianti fotovoltaico


O&M, Revamping,
e Repowering


The maintenance of photovoltaic systems is among the most important activities we provide to our customers. Thanks to the daily analysis of the data and the images from the field it is possible to plan maintenance activities when really needed.

More specifically, we identify and propose predictive maintenance interventions, efficiently schedule routine maintenance activities, and promptly manage corrective interventions following extraordinary events.

Almost 70 professionals throughout Italy, over 40 of which are specialized and highly experienced in-house technicians with 1st and 2nd level certifications issued by major Inverter manufacturers, together with carefully selected external suppliers, enable us to meet the increasingly challenging intervention times required by our customers.


Through regular routine maintenance interventions we guarantee the good condition of each device of our customers’ systems. From photovoltaic modules to solar inverters, from electrical panels to safety systems, our qualified and trained personnel according to the most stringent quality and safety procedures take care of any equipment.

Realizzazione impianti fotovoltaici


ESAPRO boasts over 10 years of experience in the design and construction of ground-mounted, C&I, and Carports Pv plants and has a significant track record in the execution of complex non-routine maintenance.

Our skilled technicians work to optimise and modernise electrical and electromechanical systems, monitoring systems, intrusion detection systems and CCTVs. Their services include mechanical assembly, civil processing, structure riveting, revamping inverter cabins and transformers, and rewiring.

Realizzazione impianti fotovoltaici


Esapro can boast over 10 years of experience in the Service of photovoltaic systems and in the execution of complex extraordinary maintenance interventions.
Our technicians intervene with great professionalism and timeliness in optimization and modernization activities on electrical and electromechanical works, monitoring systems, anti-intrusion systems and CCTV, performing mechanical assembly, civil work, rewriting of structures, re-tightening, revamping of inverter and transformer cabins.

Realizzazione impianti fotovoltaici


Our engineers and technicians use advanced data and image analysis tools to continuously monitor system performance, even in aggregate form and in a portfolio logic. The continuous calculation and comparison of the different KPIs (key performance indicators) allow us to identify negative patterns or anomalies in the modules such as PID (potential induced degradation), hot spots, derating or excessive dirt and to therefore anticipate failure and maximise system productivity.


Our engineers and technicians use advanced data and image analysis tools to continuously monitor plant performance, even in aggregate form and in a portfolio logic. The continuous calculation and comparison of the various KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) makes it possible to identify any negative patterns, or anomalies in the modules, such as PID (potential induced degradation), hot spots, derating or excessive dirt: in this way, failure events are prevented and the plant producibility is maximized.

ESAPRO is among the leading O&M operators in Italy

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